UC San Diego Health System
Samantha Gambles Farr is a Board-Certified Nurse Practitioner and works as the Surgical Intensive Care Nurse Practitioner for UC San Diego Health in the Department of Trauma, Burns, Surgical Critical Care and Acute Care Surgery. With over 20 years in nursing, her specialties include surgical, cardiothoracic, neuro-critical intensive care and those critically injured in traumas.
Ms. Gambles Farr is heavily involved in SCCM sections, committees, task forces, and review of abstract submissions. She has received the SCCM Presidential Citation and served as the Nursing Section member-at-large. She has been featured as a subject matter expert for SCCM Critical Care Congress sessions for several years. Her session at SCCM’s 2021 Congress was selected for inclusion in the Best of SCCM Congress Hosted Program. She is also involved in SCCM’s Southern California Chapter.