Data literacy is important to advancing research and clinical decision-making in critical care. This session aims to build a culture around data science in critical care and explore this expanding field. Critical care has always been a data-rich environment. With the advent of electronic health records, clinical data has increased exponentially, resulting in the rapid growth of data science in health and critical care. For critical care professionals, the need for better evidence-based care has resulted in complex uses of digitally available data and data science techniques. A basic understanding of data science is needed to understand how it can be used to leverage and enhance the care of critically ill and injured patients. This session will provide basic data literacy of important concepts, approaches, and challenges of data science and its application in critical care.
Congress features sessions on a record-breaking number of new journal articles, guidelines, and research from SCCM and other leading medical journals. Find details here.
Learning Objectives:
Summarize data science practices for critical care practice
Design translational and implementation research using data science
Discuss data governance, ethics, and fairness in data science