Professional Development and Education
Paul Checchia, MD, FACC, FCCM (he/him/his)
Associate Section Chief, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Texas Children's Hospital
Houston, Texas
Peta Alexander, MBBS, FRACP, FCICM (she/her/hers)
Staff Physician
Boston Children's Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
The editors of SCCM journals identified the need for a structured curriculum for trainees and junior faculty to introduce review processes, develop skills required for high-quality reviews, and better define a path to incorporate this voluntary academic work into a wider variety of professional roles. SCCM’s Reviewer Academy will develop a series of educational modules to teach, standardize, and ultimately improve the quality of reviews of manuscripts submitted to SCCM journals. This session will be an adjunct to the summary manuscript and the evolving online modules under the auspices of the editors-in-chief of SCCM journals.
View session handout.