Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Royal Jubilee Hospital
Victoria, BC, Canada
Dr Jonathan Mailman is the Clinical Pharmacy Specialist for Emergency Medicine, Island Health, British Columbia, Canada. After pharmacy school in Nova Scoita, completing his hospital residency in Ontario, and a post-baccalaureate Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) in Vancouver, this East Coast kid spent half a decade in Saskatchewan practicing in Critical Care. Cross-Appointed with the College of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, he has precepted several research students exploring topics use including antimicrobials, laboratory testing, and direct-discharge home from the ICU. His other research has centred on patient safety, therapeutics for COVID-19, and critical care practice. In January 2022 he made his way back to the west coast, now practicing as the only Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Emergency medicine on the largest island in Canada. He has continued his work in Saskatchewan practicing remotely as part of the Virtual ICU Recovery Clinic Pilot. Outside of work he may be found on the water in a kayak, skiing to a cabin, or hiking through the backwoods.
Never has he ever said, "no, I would not like to go pet that nice dog"
Impact of a Virtual ICU Recovery Clinic in Saskatchewan, Canada
Sunday, January 21, 2024
11:40 AM – 11:50 AM MT