Advanced Practice 1 Registered Dietitian
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Diane Nowak is a Certified Nutrition Support Clinician and Advanced Practice RD at the Cleveland Clinic where she has worked in critical care for the last 28 years. She specializes in nutrition support for adult critically ill post-operative patients and those requiring ECMO. Diane is a super user of indirect calorimetry (IC) and has lectured nationally on the topic. She also has multiple publications on adult mechanically ventilated cardiothoracic (CTS) patients comparing IC and various predictive equations. She's heavily involved in education at the Cleveland Clinic and mentors RDs, Dietetic Interns as well as Residents and Fellows. Most recently, Diane was involved with data for publication, the Use of Bedside Ultrasound to Assess Muscle Changes in the Critically Ill Surgical Patient in JPEN 2020. She also recently co-authored the chapter Vitamin Deficiencies in Adult Malnutrition: Diagnosis and Treatment and associate editor of the Cleveland Clinic Nutrition Support Handbook 4th edition.
Micronutrient Deficiencies and Impact of Drug Shortages
Sunday, January 21, 2024
3:20 PM – 3:35 PM MT