Consultant Paediatric Intensive Care
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, United Kingdom
Mark J Peters MBChB, MRCP, FRCPCH, FFICM, PhD is Professor of Paediatric Intensive Care at University College London (UCL) and Great Ormond St Hospital London (GOSH). He was appointed as Consultant Paediatric Intensivist in 1999 and aas Professor at UCL in 2014.
His most recent research interests have been aroudn pragmatic clinical trials with the UK PCCS Study Group. He has been Chief Investigator on the SCARF, FEVER, Oxy-PICU and GASTRIC-PICU trials as well as a contributor to SandWiCh, FIRST-ABC, CHiP, PLUTO and PRESSURE. His aim is for the speciality to learn from every child admitted to PICU.