CHRU Tours, Médecine Intensive Réanimation
I was trained as critical care physician in Tours, France. I performed several parts of my training abroad: University of Heidelberg, Germany; Hospital Sant Pau intensive care unit, Barcelona, Spain. I completed my PhD thesis in a laboratory focusing on respiratory and cell mechanics at the Paris-Est University, Paris, France. I have focused my research on aerosol delivery to critically ill patients, performing large scale observational studies and surveys on current practice, pharmacokinetic studies in animals and patients. Recently I focused in vitro, in vivo and clinical research on aerosol delivery during nasal high flow therapy. I also coordinate a multicentric trial on prophylactic inhaled antibiotic therapy in intubated patients, on awake prone positionning during the covid pandemic and more generally respiratory intensive care. I am involved in several educational programs and current president of the frenche college of intensive care scholars.