Dr. Susan Evans
Carolinas Medical Center
Susan Evans, MD, MBA, FACS, FCCM
Dr. Susan Evans is a Professor in the Division of Acute Care Surgery at Atrium Health. As Chief of Surgical Critical Care, she has developed a multi-professional rounding process which is inclusive of all members of the care team, the Post Op STOP, which establishes a communication process for perioperative patients in the ICU, and centralized patient management which enhances communication among all care-givers. As the Vice Chair of Research for the Department of Surgery, she has established a Departmental Grant funding process, Career Development Award, and a repository for research and academic activities for the department which has been embraced for all Atrium providers. She is recognized for her leadership and collaboration through Physician of the Quarter in 2016 and CEO challenge coin in 2017. Dr. Evans completed her MBA in May 2020 through Auburn University’s Physician Executive program.