n/a, Spain
Caroline Lorencio Cárdenas, PhD Intensive Care Medicine. Hospital Universitari Dr Josep Trueta, Girona. Spain. University of Girona (UdG).
Born in Barcelona in 1979. Graduate in MEDICINE from the AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA (UAB) in 2004. Specialist in INTENSIVE & CRITICAL MEDICINE at Dr. JOSEP TRUETA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL of Gitrona in 2009, where I currently work as a intensivist physician since then. Since 2015, professor at the faculty of Mecicine at the UNIVERSITY OF GIRONA (UdG). University master's degree in CLINICAL NUTRITION from the UNIVERSITY OF GRANADA (UG) in 2016. Currently presented doctoral thesis on sepsis at the University of Girona (UdG). Member of the Catalan Society of Intensive Medicine (SOCMIC) since 2008 and secretary of the its sepsis working group since 2012. Member of the Spanish society of intensive care medicine (SEMICYUC) since 2005 and vicecoordinator of its metabolism and nutrition working group since 2022. Member of the Spanish society of parenteral and enteral nutrition (SENPE) since 2011, currently vicepresident of SENPE.