Geisinger Medical Center
Dr. Laura Andrick, PharmD, BCCCP is a critical care clinical pharmacist at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pennsylvania. She practices in the intensive care units and emergency department. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy from Duquesne University School of Pharmacy in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2016. She completed a PGY1 pharmacy residency and subsequently a PGY2 critical care residency at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, also earning a Teaching and Learning Certificate through Duquesne University. Currently, she precepts and mentors pharmacy students and residents, offering experiences in the medical/surgical, neurosurgery, cardiac, and trauma intensive care units. Her professional interests include teaching, precepting, sedation, and post-intensive care syndrome. She also serves as the Clinical Co-Chair for the system-wide Residency Research Committee and the PGY2 Critical Care Residency Assistant Residency Program Director. Laura is a member of the Society of Critical Care Medicine, serving on the Research and Scholarship Committee and the Membership Committee of the Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section.