Erasme Hospital
Brussels, Belgium
Prof Jean-Charles Preiser, MD, PhD - Erasme Hospital, Brussels, Belgium
Internist and intensivist, from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium, currently working as medical director of clinical teaching at the Erasme University Hospital in Brussels. Prof Preiser is also professor of nutrition and teaches to medical students, physicians, students in pharmacy, nursing and medical biology. Prof Preiser serves as associate editor for 6 journals in the field of critical care medicine and nutrition.
The areas of expertise of Prof Preiser include the metabolic and nutritional aspects of critical illness. He is an expert in the field of stress hyperglycemia, contributed to > 300 original and review articles, edited two books, organizes a yearly course on metabolic/nutritional issues in the ICU, and several international meetings on intensive care and nutrition. He leads a consultation of post-intensive care follow-up.