Associate Professor
Case Western Reserve University/University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Avon Lake, Ohio
A tenure track Associate Professor and NIH funded physician-scientist in the Departments of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Pathology, and Biochemistry in the Divisions of Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine and Pediatric Critical Care Medicine at Case Western Reserve University/UH Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital; Serves as the Director of Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine Research, Co-Director for Clinical, Basic Science, and Translational Pediatric Critical Care Research, The Ellery Sedgwick, Jr. Chair and Distinguished Scientist in Cardiovascular Research, and Inaugural Director of the CWRU/UH Blood, Heart, Lung, and Immunology Research Center.
Expertise in adult and pediatric sepsis, COVID disease, and global health with a laboratory focused on two areas: heme-based trafficking and signaling in immune dysregulation in context of diseases of intravascular hemolysis (COVID, sepsis, malaria, sickle cell disease, thalassemia) and after red blood cell transfusion; and real time immunophenotyping of pro and hypoinflammatory states to identify timing for immunoadjuvant therapies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Remy has cared for thousands of patients in the adult and pediatric ICU while pivoting his laboratory activities to understanding the evolution of the disease. He has been featured on a number of news programs including CNN, CBS Evening News, BBC News, People Magazine, NBC News, Reuters, USA today, and many others for experiences on the immunologic consequences of disease, MIS-C, public health measures, and potential immunotherapeutics. He advises a number of national and international task forces in sepsis and COVID including the NIH, BARDA, FDA, CDC and has authored over 100 peer reviewed publications. In SCCM: the former chair of the basic and translational science research section, the incoming chair for the research section, MAL for the Internal Medicine section, LEAD member, and a member of the Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines. He is also the immunology co-chair and incoming chair for the PALISI BLOODnet.