Vascular Access Specialist Mayo Clinic, United States
Introduction: Vascular Access Specialists (VAS) are key responders in code response providing high acuity resuscitation and vascular access services. When a code is activated, members of the VAS team respond from various work areas with a variety of equipment, often leading to missing items essential for an efficient response.
Methods: Missing equipment creates high stress moments due to the urgency of resuscitation needs. The need for one all-encompassing bag for the team was identified. A VAS code bag was created at the end of the first quarter of 2022. The bag consists of 32 items to assist the interdisciplinary code team. Using a SIPOC+R process step analysis it was identified that the mitigating factors attributing to lack of items were scattered locations of VAS team members, varied code items, and not having a pro-active inventory list. An inventory list was created and is completed with each restock, improving quality control and ensuring correct packing. A disposable external lock ensures the bag has been fully stocked and is ready for use. Data was collected on the number of codes that the VAS team was missing equipment necessary for patient resuscitation.
Results: The code bag standardization has been a substantial improvement in the VAS workflow as it provides a sustainable process. January through March 2022, 58 codes occurred; 17 events (29%) had 1 or more vascular access supply items were missing. In surveying staff, an inventory list was created and utilized with each restock during the first quarter of 2022. The process was implemented in March 2022; during March through June 2022 there were 39 events. Out of those events, there were 3 (7%) occurrences of one or more missing items from the supply bag. The use of a standardized inventory list for vascular access supplies during resuscitation improved efficiency by 88%. Audits are completed twice a month to improve bag item accuracy.
Conclusions: Addition of the code bag has been a substantial improvement in the VAS workflow; it provides a sustainable, standardized process. During the second quarter of 2022, 39 codes occurred on campus, with 3 occurrences of one or more missing items from the bag. The efforts of this project have improved efficiency by 88%. The checklist with initials and lock assures the user that the contents are accurate.